Inspire people and support them to reach their goals

Inspire people and support them to reach their goals

My vision

My vision

Athletes Transition

Let´s unleash your next Career

About me

Hi, I’m Bernhard. My own life experience & my passion are the to support athletes in their transition from professional sports to the business world. I am passionate about inspiring and supporting athletes to achieve their new career goals.

I provide the tools and insights needed to successfully navigate this significant life change. Together, we will work on developing the skills and mindset required for you to thrive in the corporate environment.

Are you ready for your next chapter in life?

Are your coming to the end of your sports career?

Are you facing the challenge of transitioning from sports to the business world and feeling like something is holding you back?

You’re not alone—many retiring athletes encounter obstacles during this transition. But here’s the exciting part: together, we can identify and overcome whatever is standing in your way, whether it’s a limiting belief or a career obstacle.

Let’s unlock your full potential and achieve success in the business world!

My Coaching

How does it work?

Transitioning from an active sports career into “retirement” and a new legacy can often be challenging.

We’ll explore how your personal history shapes your current thoughts and feelings. What skill sets do you already have. What skills we need to build up. You’ll learn how intertwined your emotions and thoughts really are, and how they impact your daily life.

Together, we will identify fresh ideas and practical methods to the next chapter in your life. We’ll develop solutions, crafting a tailored strategy to ensure a smooth and successful transition into sports retirement aka your next chapter in life!

We will take a closer look at your life-themes. What matters to you!

We will find out what drives you and what you want to achieve!

We will identify limiting beliefs and internal obstacles that hold you back.

We will plan and create the next steps for you to achieve greatness also in the next chapter of your life.

After two hours, you’ll gain a clearer understanding of what truly drives you. We’ll dive into discovering who you are at your core and what shapes your perceptions. 

Together, we’ll also identify the corporate skills you already possess and pinpoint the areas that need development for your new career.


Day X Coaching

Coaching for Day X
  • First contact
  • Kick Off Call
  • Coaching Setup
  • Coaching for Day X

2h Coaching

2-hour coaching for anyone
*per session
  • First contact
  • Preparationsheet
  • 2-hours coaching
  • Follow Up Call in 5 weeks

45min Coaching

45min coaching for anyone
*per session
  • First contact
  • Preparationsheet
  • 45min coaching

Do you know the feeling of being confined by the identity of an athlete and struggling to envision your life beyond sports?

Even with a successful career, accolades, and memorable experiences, it can still feel like something is missing as retirement approaches. If you’re wrestling with a sense of unfulfillment that no one seems to understand, and each day feels dense with uncertainty about the future, you’re not alone.

It’s time to take charge and explore what’s holding you back from embracing a new chapter of life with enthusiasm. Together, we will uncover the answers and help you feel confident and excited about your future.

Let’s embark on this journey to a fulfilling life beyond sports!




Just contact me and I will reach out to you within 48 hours.

Preparation sheet

In preparation for our session, you need to complete a questionnaire to explain your challenges and give me a better understanding of your goals.


During our session, I try to get to know you better and go deeper into your situation. We will find ways to achieve your goals.

Next Steps

To help you grow further, we will create a plan so that you can reach your goals step by step.

What are clients saying

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Let's identify your challenges and transform your goals into a journey!

What’s your challenge?

What can you expect?

After receiving your submitted form, I will contact you within 48 hours. You will get the preparation sheet and we will schedule our session. 

If you prefer to have a pre-information call, just reach out via the template. I will explain more about my way of coaching, analyse briefly your situation and answer your questions.
